Alumni have made everlasting impressions in our minds and hearts; traditions and ideals that we treasure and try to uphold in our Gamma Rho chapter and Penn State community. Thank you for your time, effort, dedication, and of course, unconditional Alpha Phi love.
Here are just a few testimonies of recently graduated Alpha Phi sisters. We want to give tribute to our previous sisters and let them tell you what Alpha Phi means to them. Take a moment to read about their experiences...
"I was initiated into Alpha Phi Gamma Rho in the one and only Winter '06 Pledge Class, and being a sister in the sorority was one of the most life changing experiences I have had. Alpha Phi gave me the confidence I needed to succeed, and I made lifelong friendships with amazing women who I otherwise never would have met. The chapter provided me with opportunities for leadership, learning, and most importantly sisterhood. Alpha Phi helped make my Penn State experience even more unforgettable."
- Jamie Harshman
"When I went through rush in Fall 2009, as a freshman here at Penn State University Park, I immediately
felt such a strong connection to Alpha Phi. Once I got my bid to this amazing sorority, I knew that these
would be the girls that would shape my college experience and become my best friends. Alpha Phi helped
me succeed in college whether it be through leadership, academic, philanthropic and/or social
opportunities. I truly cannot imagine my college experience without Alpha Phi and without my sisters-
they have turned me into the person that I am today, and for that I will always be thankful."
- With love & aoe, Alaina Pollock Fall '09
"I can honestly say that Alpha Phi was the best decision of my life. It has provided me with endless opportunities and experiences I never imagined it could. And has opened up so many doors in my life and has made me a better person. Alpha Phi has also provided me with friendships that I know will last a lifetime. I can honestly say I am a better person and I owe it all to my sisters and Alpha Phi. They have helped me mature to be someone who I am proud to be. I will forever be thankful for my sisters and my experience in Alpha Phi."
- Lauren Raymond
"When arriving at Penn State freshman year, I never thought that I would participate in recruitment.
I thought that being in sorority just wasn’t for me. Although with pressure from my roommate I decided
just to try it out. Alpha Phi was actually the first sorority that I visited and I instantly fell in love. And I can
now say that it was one of the best decisions of my life. I could not imagine my college career not being
in Alpha Phi, they are the reason Penn State was the best 4 years of my life. My sisters and my experiences
in Alpha Phi have forever changed my life. And I can guarantee that no matter where we all end up we
will forever be bonded by our sisterhood and our experiences."
- Melissa Damiani
"I had always been a part of a team in high school and transitioning into a big school meant I would have to find a way to make it smaller. I signed up for Penn State sorority recruitment hoping I would find a place I would fit in. When I stepped into Alpha Phi the girls treated me like I was already a friend and I knew I had to be a part of their sisterhood. In my 4 years in Alpha Phi I’ve learned that a sorority is more than cute lettered sweatshirts and secret rituals but life long friendships and women who are eager to change the world around them."
- Allie Szostak