Alpha Phis are passionate about advancing not only the lives of our sisters, but the lives of women around the world. Whether it’s initiating community service efforts, raising awareness for heart health or navigating the unique and challenging issues facing women on today’s college campuses, we stand together boldly to make a difference on our campuses and in our communities.
With so much to be thankful for, Alpha Phi's love giving back!
Alpha Phi, along with all of Greek Life and all of Penn State (student body, alumni, etc.) is committed to the yearlong effort of fundraising to stop pediatric cancer through the world's largest student-run philanthropy: The Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, commonly known as THON. When THON was started in 1973, it raised $2,000 and had only 39 dancer couples participating. Now, THON has 15,000 student volunteers, 700 dancers, and has raised more than $100 million total, which all benefits The Four Diamonds Fund at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. It is a 46-hour no-sitting-no-sleeping dance marathon, that is one of the most amazing experiences you will ever have!
In 1946, Alpha Phis from all over North America met to address an international philanthropic cause: how to now help aid after World War II, during peacetime. Rheumatic fever, a disease that causes deadly damage to the heart, was raging through schools in the United States. Alpha Phi wanted to help the children suffering, but it also wanted to be able to raise money for other programs. This is when Alpha Phi decided to dedicate its' money to Cardiac aid, raising money for all different educational and research projects. Over time, Rheumatic fever became rare and heart disease became the #1 killer of women in North America. Then in 1956, the Alpha Phi Foundation was created to help fight this terrible disease, and to demonstrate the philanthropic spirit of love and charity that was intended by our Founders, all while empowering women to be generous givers.